Industry Solutions

We Provide Solutions For Many Industries
We care about your health.

Logistic Express Services Health Care

We also offer a whole range of courier services for the healthcare industry. Working with specifically trained couriers, Logistic Express Services Health can provide delivery solutions for hospitals, pharmacies, manufacturers and more, taking care of any pharmaceutical, pathology or emergency care needs your organisation may have.
Your Retail Services available at Logistic Express Services.

Retail Services

In a world dominated by online giants, the consumer demand for flexibility and choice of delivery options from high street stores and independent retailers is constantly growing. The digital era has redefined the way consumers shop for products online, increasing demand for delivery service and convenience. With a national reach, Logistic Express Services connects retailers with customers, creating a great shopping experience through delivery convenience. As a Logistic Express Services account holder you will have access to our range of services including same day, next day and international delivery solutions, as well as warehousing solutions, supported by a network of 30+ sites across the globe.

Logistic Express Services is known Nationwide for the services that it has rendered and I and my company are highly indebted to them.
