Land Transportation

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You can trust the Logistic Express Services Fleet.

Land Transportation

No two deliveries are alike so Logistic Express Services has varied a varied fleet. From the largest pushbike and cargo bike fleet to motorbikes and vans, we can cater to every individual customer and delivery. 

We are an environmentally responsible business and continuously test new options and technology to reduce our (and your) impact on the environment. We can provide specialist vehicles for consignments that need specific conditions such as temperature controlled or extra security.

We source couriers carefully and review their driving license, insurances and vehicle. Couriers are issued with ID badges to demonstrate when they are working with Logistic Express Services to provide customers with peace of mind. All couriers will have basic PPE such as high visibility clothing.
Logistic Express Services supply our customers to carry your consignment and provide instant proof of delivery information and status updates in real time. If required we can also provide couriers with specialist knowledge, such as how to carry medicines and dangerous goods safely. Bespoke packages can be developed for clients who have complex service requests to ensure consignments are handled exactly how you want.

Land Transportation

You can trust the Logistic Express Services fleet.

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